In past years, quite a few articles and books have been written about twin souls or twin flames, and they usually highlight a romantic perspective. What does the wise spiritual teacher Michael say about the twin flame relationship?
What are twin souls?
According to Michael, twin souls (in Michael speak: Essence Twins) are 2 sparks of essence that jumped from the Source at the same time as a duo. They go together to planet Earth where they will help each other with their spiritual growth in many lifetimes.
Twin flames meet each other as humans in about 5% of lifetimes, according to Michael. This could be as a family member, teacher or mentor, student, therapist, colleague… and yes, it could also be as a romantic partner. There is often a strong attraction, but it does not have to be romantic or sexual in nature.
Whether you meet each other or not: there is always contact and cooperation at soul level. If your twin flame is not incarnate at the moment, she is still with you as an important spiritual Guide and you continuously exchange experiences and insights with each other.
My own Essence Twin is a “discarnate Sage”. That is a Sage soul that is not currently incarnate. He helps and mirrors me in the areas of communication, authenticity and expression. He enjoys making blogs and vlogs.
They help you heal
The focus of the twin soul relationship is therefore helping each other with your spiritual growth. This means that they are each other’s mirror on a spiritual level: they show each other exactly what you are like as a person and where you are in your development. Both your light side and your not-yet-healed shadow sides are shown to you by your twin soul.
It is not always fun or easy to see yourself reflected so clearly. You will provide each other with learning and growth situations to go through your old fears and transform them into light and love. Hmm…sounds less romantic already?
Is it all rainbows and unicorns?
But what about all those romantic stories and expectations? Sometimes you meet someone and you immediately (or quite quickly) feel love, trust and a strong bond. There is recognition at soul level. You want to continue together, in whatever way possible.
These are certainly soul mates: you have met in many lives and have been good friends or lovers. You have established a heart connection with this soul.
Fortunately, throughout many lifetimes, you have built up a heart connection with several souls. The chance that you will meet a close soul mate in your life is therefore many times greater than a relationship with your twin soul.
Perhaps it is also more fun and romantic because you can share love and trust with each other and build a harmonious relationship. That is a lot more comfortable — for your personality — than transforming your dark sides.
What is the purpose of relationships?
However, this distinction is a bit artificial. Every contact and relationship is intended to increase awareness, heal and grow. It doesn’t matter which label you stick on it. Your choice to trust your soul is. After all, she knows what experiences you need in this life to develop optimally.
You will encounter challenges in every relationship, together with the associated opportunities for growth and fulfilment.
A Soul Realignment Akashic Reading is a great way to clear your soul’s past
and liberate you in the present.
Want to know more about your relationship and heal relationship karma? Then the Relationship Reading is for you.
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